Everyone knows that Mallorca offers a slice of cycling paradise, but did you know that paradise includes the opportunity to have a go at riding around a Mallorcan velodrome?!

The velodrome complex

On the outskirts of the small town of Sineu, is the Sineu outdoor velodrome (there’s more location info below).

It’s part of a small municipal complex that also includes an outdoor swimming pool, kids playground and restaurant. Rumour has it that the velodrome is here because the local mayor likes cycling!

How cool is it to have a velodrome that you can just turn up at and ride around (well that’s what we did anyway and there didn’t seem to be any signs suggesting we couldn’t…)?!

Cyclist at Sineu velodrome, Mallorca
Cyclist cycling on Sineu velodrome, Mallorca

Tips for riding Sineu velodrome

Keep your eyes on the track – the banking is steeper than it looks! As you might expect from an outside track that’s made of concrete, expect minor bumps on the joins. As you can see from the photos, the surface is also a little weather-worn in places.

Want a coffee after your velodrome experience?!  We headed into Sineu: there’s a pretty old town square and we ate very well at restaurant Santapi.

Want to incorporate this into a loop? We rode the Sineu velodrome on a loop that incorporated San Salvador and Randa too. It’s a wonderful ride. You can get our GPX/TCX file from the ridewithgps.com website, here.

Restaurant at Sineu velodrome and sports complexRestaurant at the velodrome
Sineu sports complex, MallorcaMunicipal sports facilities next to the velodrome

How to find Sineu velodrome

The velodrome is located to the west of Sineu. The address is Carrer Camí Vell de Costitx, 15, 07510 Sineu.

Sineu velodrome with town behind
Cyclist cycling down straight at Mallorca velodrome sineu

Have you ridden Sineu velodrome?

How did you find it? Tell us in the comments below!

If you’re looking for more great tips for cycling in Mallorca, check out our ultimate guide to cycling Mallorca. It contains loads of tried and tested GPX routes and route guides plus information on where to stay and when to go.

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Clare Dewey

Clare Dewey is a cyclist with a passion for travel. She set up epicroadrides.com in 2018 to help make it easy for cyclists to explore the world by bike. Today her mission is still inspiring cyclists to discover new places on two wheels – and doing what she can to make sure they have the best possible time while they’re there. Clare has visited 50+ destinations around the world, many of them by bike.

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2 Responses to “Sineu velodrome, Mallorca”

    • Yes, that’s been our experience, but not 100% sure. Guess local groups might train there from time to time…

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