Mallorca 312 is one of the most famous sportives in Europe. No surprise really, given that it’s held in one of the world’s most spectacular cycling destinations on totally closed roads.

It’s also got a reputation for being one of the hardest amateur cycling events out there. The full 312-kilometre route includes over 5,000m of climbing! That’s a big day out by anyone’s standards.

We’ve ridden the Mallorca 312 route ourselves, and written this guide to help anyone that’s thinking of entering, or has entered and is looking for more information on what the event entails. We’ve also spoken with Andy Yeoman, Sports Tours’ lead rep at the event. 2024 will be Andy’s fourth Mallorca 312 with Sports Tours, so he knows the event very well.

From the Mallorca 312 cost of entry to the Mallorca 312 route, we hope you find everything you need to know. Please let us know in the comments below – or by sharing the article on social media!

This article includes details of products and/or services that we have used ourselves or which we would consider using. Some are paid features or include affiliate links where if you click on a link and make a booking or buy something, we may earn a commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Please read our disclosure policy for further information.

Note: We’ve done our best to update this article for the 2024 event. However, if you’re in any doubt, please rely on information from the final official 2024 riders pack/event information, rules and registration conditions. This guide does not cover everything contained in those documents – you should read them! We are not the organisers of Mallorca 312 (nor are we connected with them).

1. Overview

Cyclists completing sportive cycling eventMallorca 312 has a great reputation for camaraderie (credit: Leggett)
View over the Serra Tramuntana coastline from the Ma-10 on the Mallorca 312 routeClassic views down the Serra Tramuntana coastline

What is Mallorca 312?

Mallorca 312 is an annual closed-road sportive/gran fondo that takes place in and around the Serra de Tramuntana mountains of Mallorca, Spain.

When is Mallorca 312?

The event usually happens at the end of April each year.

The Mallorca 312 date for 2024 is 27th April.

When was the first Mallorca 312?

The first Mallorca 312 was in June 2010. It had 199 participants, most of whom were either from Mallorca or mainland Spain.

The event has run every year since, the only breaks being Covid-induced; there was no event in April 2020 or 2021 (in 2021 the event took place in October instead).

How many riders do the Mallorca 312 sportive?

These days, around 8,000 riders per year register for Mallorca 312. Places fill up very fast, and in fact Mallorca 312 registration for 2024 is currently closed, apart from the waiting list. However, you may also be able to secure a place through a third party, such as Sports Tours International (there’s more on this below).

What is the Mallorca 312 entry fee?

In 2024, the Mallorca 312 entry cost is 145 euros. This includes the mandatory day licence, which costs 12 euros.

On top of that, you’ll need to pay for temporary event insurance (12 euros) unless you’re a member of the RFEC (Spanish Cycling Federation).

Where does Mallorca 312 start?

The event starts in Playa de Muro, a resort on the island’s northeast coast between Port d’Alcúdia and Can Picafort.

It’s a 40 minute drive (roughly) between the starting point and the airport.

Can you give me a brief Mallorca 312 review/overview?

Mallorca 312 is a 312 km (194 mile) loop of the Serra de Tramuntana mountains and the northeast of the island.

The route takes in some of Mallorca’s finest roads, including Col de Femenia, Puig Major (descent) and the spectacular MA-10 (including our favourite section from Banyalbufar to Andratx).

The first 150 kilometres contain nearly all the Mallorca 312 climbs. Andy from Sports Tours says, “Mentally, as a rider, it’s good to know that once you’re halfway through there are no major climbs left to tackle. It would be wrong to say it’s downhill all the way home – as it’s still pretty undulating – but you get the idea!”.

Check “What are your favourite parts of the Mallorca 312 route” for our 312 route of Mallorca highlights.

Tell me about the different routes?

The map above shows the Mallorca 312 routes from the 2019 event, so there may be some variations with the 2024 routes, but it gives you the idea of how the three routes relate to one another  (map credit:

You can find the official route map for Mallorca 312 2024 here. Though each year the routes are pretty similar, do check the official map and details; even if you have ridden the event before, the Mallorca 312 route for 2024 may be slightly different to what you’ve been used to.

The three routes are:

  • Mallorca 167
  • Mallorca 225
  • Mallorca 312

See “How hard is Mallorca 312?” for details of the Mallorca 312 elevation gain and distance for each course.

The map gives an overview of how the routes differ. Basically:

  • the 167 is a picturesque loop of the Serra de Tramuntana, between Port de Pollença and Esporles;
  • the 225 adds on an extra section to take in Banyalbufar and Andratx; and
  • the 312 adds on an extra section, heading out to Artà.

It might be useful to know that the MA-10 between Banyalbufar and Andratx is an absolute gem, and one of our absolute favourite roads in Mallorca (you can read our effusive praise of it here). If you’re choosing your route based on looks alone, we think the 225 actually contains the most bang for your buck on a beauty per mile basis!

Andy from Sports Tours says “If you don’t make the 312 cut off and get forced onto the 225 course instead, try not to be too disappointed. The 225 has all the best bits of the 312 route and it’s a fantastic event in itself.”

Do you have to decide which route to ride in advance?

The 2024 rules state: “The participant must register for the Mallorca 312 event but can complete, at the participant’s own free choice and during the race, any of the three routes of 312, 225 or 167 km. In other words, once the race has started, the participant may change the distance without needing to notify the Organisation, as long as they comply with the established cut-off times.”

Do note that the organisers reserve the right to amend the route at any time.


How hard is Mallorca 312?

Hard. Here are some stats:

Kilometres and metres of climbing:

167 km 225 km 312 km
2,475 m 3,973 m 5,050 m


The percentage of Mallorca 312 finishers for 2016 and 2017 was 92% and 78% respectively. 2016 was the first year the 312 course was in its current incarnation (it used to be a lap of the whole island). We haven’t been able to find figures for later years.

Be aware that once the starter gun goes off, it’s always a fast and furious pace at the beginning. Don’t forget you’ve got a long way still to go, especially if you’re riding 312 km!

Also see how long does Mallorca 312 take to complete? below.

What kinds of bike are allowed?

The rules state that “the only bicycles that can take part are conventional road bikes with brakes on both wheels”. ‘Fixie’ bikes, time trial and triathlon bikes are prohibited, as are couplers.

Despite there being some confusion over this in the past, “electrically assisted bikes” are not allowed in accordance with the 2024 rules.

Handbikes, or other bicycles adapted for people with reduced mobility, are allowed.

2. Entry

Cyclist climbing col on the Mallorca 312 routeMallorca 312 offers three great routes
Cyclists descending at speedWant to do Mallorca 312? Get organised! (credit: Images)

What’s the Mallorca 312 entry process?

Mallorca 312 2024 entry is via the official website, or a third party package operator.

Registration for entry to Mallorca 312 2024, opened on 3rd October 2023.

It’s a good idea to follow Mallorca 312 on social media in September and October so you’re aware of the exact opening date for that year. Mallorca 312 entries sell out very quickly – see How difficult is it to get a Mallorca 312 entry? below.

How difficult is it to get a 312 Mallorca entry?

Registration for the Mallorca 312 date in 2024 sold out faster than ever before. All 8,000 places were snapped up in just six minutes!

It looks like it’s selling out more quickly every year…

  • The 2023 event sold out in 10 hours.
  • The 2020 event sold out in 13 hours.
  • The 2019 event sold out in less than a week.

So, in short, if you want entry into the next 312 Mallorca, then you need to be quick to get a space.

That said, there are usually some travel agencies with additional spaces that continue to offer packages including entry, accommodation and transfer. This is the case even after the direct, entry-only spaces have sold out. Ask Sports Tours who should be able to help you!


What’s included in the Mallorca 312 entry fee?

Entry includes an official jersey, which you will need to wear on the ride. You also get a goodie bag.

The fee also includes food and drink at the Mallorca 312 feed stations, plus a finisher medal (assuming you finish within the timeframe). At the end, you also get a digital diploma, entry to the pasta party and access to a complimentary physiotherapy and massage service.

3. Registration

What’s the Mallorca 312 registration 2024 process?

Check the rider’s schedule/pack that is distributed before the event for the registration procedure for the particular year.

For the 2024 event, the rules state you have to display a bib number or number plates on your bicycle.

The official site states that you collect your bib number from the expo at “Avenida s’Albufera, number 33. Bibs are available on Thursday April 25 and Friday April 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.” Andy from Sports Tours says “One nice point about taking part in the 312 with Sports Tours, is that we collect your registration packs for you and distribute them to you at your hotel. This saves you a lot of queuing!”.

The 2024 rules state that “All participants must carry the bib number for the bicycle and this must be visible. Any rider who does not have a visible bicycle bib number on the handlebars will be excluded from the course.”

“Times will be controlled electronically via the use of a chip. It is obligatory to use the chip, which is attached to the number plate. The number plate must be placed on the front of the handlebars. The chip does not work if it’s in direct contact with the bicycle, is bent or placed anywhere else. Any participant not carrying the chip will be excluded from the race and may be sanctioned by the State security forces and personnel.”

4. Preparation

Cyclist filling water bottle in preparation for mallorca 312Considering your fuelling strategy is an essential part of preparation for the 312 (credit: Gutovska)
Bike hire Port de Pollensa MallorcaIf you want to hire a bike, get your booking in nice and early!

How to train for Mallorca 312? Do I need a Mallorca 312 training plan?

Mallorca 312 is an event you need to train for – even the shortest course involves nearly 2,500m of climbing.

The question of how to train will, of course, depend on you, how much time you have, what your objective is for how fast you want to ride the course and how fit you are already.

You can either create your own training plan or invest in a Mallorca 312 training plan.

Read our article with Mallorca 312’s 2021 official training partner, Ride Harder, for the lowdown on training for Mallorca 312.

Can I get bike rental for the event?

As something of a cycling mecca, you won’t be surprised to hear that there are lots of companies willing to rent you a bike in Mallorca. Our guide to cycling Mallorca has details of many of them.

However, with 8,000 cyclists descending on the island, you’ll want to book your bike early to ensure you get the bike you want.

Even if you book a Mallorca 312 package, don’t automatically assume that bike hire will be included! Andy from Sports Tours says, “have a chat with our team when you book, to see whether they’re able to help with bike rental; if they can help, they will!”

Not sure whether to rent a bike or take your own? Read our tips, here.

What are the best hotels for Mallorca 312?

The Mallorca 312 start location is Playa de Muro, on the northeast coast of Mallorca, where the race also finishes. This makes Playa de Muro the best place to stay if you can, especially given the early start and the fact you will be exhausted when you finally get off the bike at the end of the race.

Just make sure that they have a (very) safe storage area that will be accessible to you on race day – or make sure you can take it to your room (which will hopefully be on a low level to avoid lugging it too far up!).

Andy from Sports Tours says “I love the hotels Sports Tours books for our trips. They all have great cycling facilities and several are extremely close to the start for the Mallorca 312. This makes all the difference given the very early start and how tired you’re likely to be at the finish.”

Other options

Playa de Muro is located between C’an Picafort and Port de Alcúdia. As a popular area with holidaymakers, this stretch of coastline has loads of accommodation options. So if Playa de Muro is booked out, you should still be able to find something to suit your taste and wallet close by, especially if you book ahead.

Bear in mind that most of the 8,000 people taking part (plus those who are travelling with them) will be staying on this stretch of coastline. If you’d rather stay somewhere less busy, an alternative would be to base yourself in Pollença old town, Port de Pollença or somewhere further afield.

Here are a few hotels we’ve heard good things about that you could check out in Playa de Muro.

Iberostar Playa de Muro

Mar Hotels Playa Mar

Prinsotel La Dorada

Eix Lagotel

You can also check out our opinion of different resorts and hotels in Mallorca, or the accommodation section of our Mallorca guide lists some top picks.


What’s Mallorca weather like in April?

By the time you start the Mallorca 312 in April, the weather should be settled and warm.

As the weather warms up and moves into spring, the cycling season gets back into gear. The peak cycling season on the island runs from March to May. Obviously being at the end of April, Mallorca 312 is slap bang in this middle of this peak period.

Average high temperatures sit at around 23°C, with average lows of about 15°C. On average, there are four rainy days per month in spring, and 36mm of rain. There’s more information on weather in Mallorca, Spain in our guide, here.

Of course, while everyone hopes that the weather is warm and dry, there is always the possibility of a cold snap or rain. So packing a pair of arm warmers and a jacket is never a bad idea. Our packing list and tips for nutrition for long rides may help you decide what to bring.

Is there any mandatory kit for Mallorca 312?

A helmet is a mandatory requirement.

The rules state that you must wear the official jersey (Article 5). However, the FAQs seem to contradict this as they state “No, it’s not mandatory to wear the Mallorca 312 OK Mobility jersey, but it is recommended, since the security and police personnel as well as members of the organization can easily recognize you as a participant of the Mallorca 312.” Also, in the past this was simply a recommendation… We have emailed the organisers to check.

You can only use “conventional road bikes” with brakes on both wheels. See “what kinds of bikes are allowed” above for more information.

Andy from Sports Tours says “we always recommend that our riders have both front and rear lights on their bikes, given the early start and size of the field. But make sure your lights aren’t on flashing mode as this might distract and annoy other riders.”

What should I wear for the event?

We would suggest you don’t start experimenting with new kit on event day. Other than the official jersey, wear clothes that you know will work for you and are going to keep you comfortable.

Bib shorts, the jersey and socks will be the basic kit you need. However, bear in mind that the race starts in the early morning when it’s likely to be around 15°C or so – or you might want to get there super early to get to the front of the start pens (more on that below).

Andy from Sports Tours says, “it could be a good idea to take a bin bag, or one of those emergency space-style blankets to the start line, to give yourself a bit of protection while you wait… there are plenty of bins around so that you can dispose of it properly.”

You might also want to consider full gloves, arm warmers and a gilet or light jacket. As Andy says, “wearing layers is a great idea so that you can be flexible.” It’s a balancing act, as you’ll likely want to take these extra layers and accessories off after the first hill. You also might not want too much extra weight to carry for the day – especially when tackling the Mallorca 312 elevation gain. But we found that as you eat the food stashed in your pockets, this does make room for that extra kit. Checking the forecast may help you make the right decision!

Andy says that he tends to wear a base layer, jersey, gilet and arm warmers for the event.

Any tips for the night before?

Get an early night before tackling the Mallorca 225, 167 or 312 route!

You should be fine with finding somewhere that will serve you dinner at around 7pm (even though you’re in Spain, you’re in tourist-central!).

We’d suggest laying out your kit and checking your lights, phone and bike computer are all charged. It’s a long day, so we’d also suggest making sure your phone and bike computer are in power saving mode, and that you turn off all non-essential features.

5. The event

What are your favourite parts of the Mallorca 312 route?

Coll de Femenia

Road up the Col de Femenia on Mallorca 312 routeOn the way up Col de Femenia
View of rocky cliffs by side of road on route of Mallorca 312Look at that road surface!

This appears on all three routes – the Mallorca 225, the Mallorca 167 and of course the 312 route.

It’s the first climb of the day, and it really is a cracker. Smooth tarmac combined with sweeping bends and impressive scenery: huge grey boulders dot the valley and enormous, imposing cliffs tower above you. It’s an 8km climb that takes you to 515m at an average 6% gradient. It’s a superb way to start the day!

A note of warning from Andy from Sports Tours, “be aware that this climb will be busy; you will not be riding up here quickly, due to the sheer number of other riders on the road. Don’t get frustrated!”

There’s more on the Coll de Femenia in our Femenia and Batalla loop guide.

Estellencs Coast

Estellencs coastline on route of Mallorca 312Not sure our photos, on this overcast day at dusk, do justice to this incredible stretch of coastline!
Cyclist riding route of Mallorca 312Dramatic riding along the Ma-10

This appears on the Mallorca 225 route and the 312 route.

Andy from Sports Tours comments that, “the MA-10 is blessed with tremendously beautiful views.” For us, the best section of it is between Banyalbufar and after Estellencs, before it turns inland. The road hugs the coastline’s vertical cliffs, dominated by the mighty Puig des Galatzó (1,008m) and offers up far-reaching views down the jagged coast and out to sea. Around the pretty towns, you come across centuries-old terraces bordered by stone walls that still enclose olive groves, vineyards and orchards.

In terms of terrain, it’s a bit of a rollercoaster, but there’s nothing too steep or tricky in there. If we had to pick one favourite section above all others, this would be it.

We’ve written more about this stretch of coastline in our Andratx to Pollenca cycling route guide.

Stone-walled lanes around Alaró

Cyclist riding along a lane near Alaro on Mallorca 312 routeThe beautiful lane just outside Alaró, with the mountain marking Coll d’Orient in the distance
Village on the cyclist's route of Mallorca 312 sportiveComing into Selva

This appears on the Mallorca 167, 225 and 312 cycling event routes.

The narrow stone-wall lined lanes between Alaró and Campanet are, quite simply, gorgeous. To your left, you get glimpses of the Serra Tramuntana mountains as you weave between almond groves, vineyards and olive trees.

Once you’re on these roads, you know the worst of the climbing is over and you can thus enjoy the pretty landscapes of Mallorca’s interior more.

Hidden valley on the MA-3321 near Petra

Road down to valley A magical road leading off the Ma-3330
Cyclist descending around corner on Mallorca 312 routeDescending down the Ma-3321 between Petra and Artà

This appears on the 312 bike ride route.

You turn off the main road from Petra, then onto the MA-3321, which takes you on a narrow road from the top of a ridge into a quiet valley. It feels like you’re a million miles from anywhere.

There are a few quite technical hairpins to contend with, but also some fabulous views across to the hills beyond. The valley comes after a long section of weaving through flat, agricultural fields of the El Pla depression – and we found this change in scenery to be part of the charm.


Note: do take heed of the information in your rider’s pack regarding dangerous sections of the course – though of course, as with any event, there will be many potentially dangerous sections in addition to these. In particular:

For 2024, the rider information states “Users are aware that there are dangerous stretches where extreme caution should be exercised, as well as long descents with bends where speed should be moderated in order to avoid injury to the rider and/or others. They are also aware that there are stretches where the state of the roads may not meet the adequate safety conditions, and different tunnels that may NOT be illuminated, and they expressly do not hold 312 Bike & Tours liable for any damage suffered due to the bad state of the roads or to any defect in the road infrastructures.”

The rules go on to say: “Users know that cycling involves the possibility of suffering a sports accident and personally assume liability for any accidents they may cause to themselves or to any participant of the race, exempting and holding harmless 312 Bike & Tours from any liability resulting from such accidents.”

A few points to mention in particular:

  • We’ve heard that at around 57.5 miles, there’s a nasty turn with smooth tarmac that catches out a lot of riders.  It’s a sweeping righthand bend that goes into a hard left turn.
  • There’s also a potentially dodgy righthand turn on the descent of Galilea towards Puigpunyent.
  • Also take particular care on the treelined roads around Andratx in the afternoon sun. We’ve heard the asphalt heats up and becomes pretty slick which can cause traction problems…
  • Finally, take care on the rumble strips on the descent of the Puig Major before Soller. More info here. Andy from Sports Tours says “more generally, I would also add that although the descent is breathtaking, this is a part of the course where there have been some nasty accidents due to people taking unnecessary risks with overtaking and undertaking. Take it easy and be aware of other cyclists on the road.”

Is Mallorca 312 on Strava?

Yes! Why not join the Mallorca 312 Strava club, here. Here you will find the Mallorca 312 route on Strava, as well as the community and event discussions.

Is there a Mallorca 312 GPX file?

You can download the GPX route for the 312, 225 and 167km courses from the Mallorca 312 official website.

Please bear in mind that the final course route may change for 2024, as with any year. Also, the event is on closed roads., so the route may go contrary to the road traffic requirements. If you do use the GPX route on open roads, make sure you comply with the rules of the road!

Are the riders sent off in waves?

In previous years, cyclists have joined either the standard pens or VIP pens. 

The VIP/fast-pass entry is a front pen, but you need a special entry for that at an additional cost (often this is something tour operators such as Sports Tours can help you with).

The FAQs on the official website state “The start for the different boxes of the XIV edition will be between 6:30am (the last participant is expected to pass through the start at 7:00am) The three routes (312,225,167) start at the same time.”

Andy from Sports Tours says “we have heard from riders that for the standard pens, in order to get to the front of the start and avoid a big delay on your Mallorca 312 start time, you need to get to the start line much earlier than 6:30am. I aim to get there at 4:30am. Otherwise you’ll likely get stuck in big queues near the start; and there is no allowance made for the time it takes to cross the line. Your time is counted from the moment the stopwatch starts at 6:30am, not from the time you cross the start line!”

This means that if you lose time at the start, you could find yourself under even more pressure when it comes to the cut offs/control points. Hence the importance of getting to the start early!

See the comments at the bottom of this article for more information.

How long does Mallorca 312 take to complete?

If you’re wondering how many hours Mallorca 312 takes to ride, if you’re expecting to be one of the fastest cyclists then you’re looking at roughly 9.5 hours for Mallorca 312, 7 hours for Mallorca 225 and 5 hours for Mallorca 167. Add on appropriately from these times!

Also, assuming the length of the course remains roughly the each year, these times from 2021 should help as a guide:

312 distance:

Fastest man: nine hours and twenty-six minutes.

First woman: ten hours and twenty-nine minutes.

225 distance:

Fastest man: seven hours and nine minutes.

Fastest woman: eight hours and three minutes.

167 distance:

Fastest man: four hours and fifty-two minutes

Fastest woman: six hours and eleven minutes


What are the Mallorca 312 cut off times?

The Mallorca 312 time limit rules are quite strict.

The Mallorca 312 cut off time for 2024 is roughly 14 hours for the 312 distance. The event starts at 6:30am and you have to be back by 8.40pm regardless of what time you actually started, so 14 hours assumes you actually start at 6:40am – you get 14 hours 10 minutes if you manage to start when the official stopwatch starts at 6:30am! 14 hours means you’ll need to ride at an average speed of 22km/h (14mph); however this doesn’t take into account any stops. 

There’s also a roughly 10 hour time limit for the two shorter routes (you have to be back by 5pm). 

Control points on the course

The 2024 rules state “any participant who does not achieve the minimum pace stipulated in the course guide, or who is overtaken by the ‘End of Race’ vehicle, is deemed to be out of the race. At that moment, the participant will be able to use the broom wagon. Otherwise, as the participant has been excluded from the race, and should they decide to continue cycling the route, they will become a normal user of the public highway without any assistance from the Organisation and with the road open to traffic.”

In 2024 the cut off time at 97km (roughly 60 miles) is 11:10. The cut off time at 220km (roughly 137 miles) is 16:20.

The 97km cut off point mentioned above, applies to the 312 and 225 courses. The Mallorca 167 course is marked as having a 98km cut off at 11:30am.

Of course, the 220km cut off is only relevant to the 312 course.

Andy from Sports Tours say “the cut off times are strict and you can’t continue if you reach the point after the time. At the 220km cut off, they even put up barriers across the road and there are civil guards around, to stop those tempted to bypass the cut off.”

Polka dot jerseys

In previous years there have been a group of cyclists wearing green dotted jerseys that set the 14 hour pace. Behind them was a sweep bus or motorcycle. If such a sweep bus or motorcycle passes you, then you are eliminated.

Accidents and delays

Bear in mind that if there’s an accident or some other event, the riders may be stopped in their tracks (though in Andy’s experience, this is rare). Where that’s happened in the past, no changes have been made to the cut-off times, however… check our comments above for getting to the start line early!


And finally, here are a few tips for getting around the 312 in Mallorca 2024 without blowing up!

  • Andy from Sports Tours says “don’t go wild on the early climbs. It’s tempting to go full gas as it’s the start of the day, and there will undoubtedly be fast riders around you, but there’s a long way to ride yet! Try and resist the temptation to ride with a group going above your pace; try and find a group that’s comfortable for you and which has a good number of people in it, all helping each other. Then stay with them for as long as possible!”
  • Train for the event! This is not an event to do with no miles in the legs! More on training above.
  • Make sure you refuel throughout the day, and particularly before the first feed station. If you want to beat the cut off times, it’s important you remain self-sufficient, until the feed stops, to maintain your speed.
  • Think aero and make sure your kit is snug and zips are done up. It sounds minor, we know, but this kind of drag can make a lot of difference over an entire day of riding!
  • Get your kit ready the night before. There’s a reason people do those kit grids you see on Instagram! The more organised you are the night before, the less you’ll need to worry about on the morning of the race.
  • Take enough kit to keep warm and dry. Just because it’s Mallorca doesn’t mean it won’t rain or get cold – particularly at the top of the mountains.

Does Mallorca 312 use time chips?

Yes. The chips should be located on your number plate, which should be attached to the front of your handlebars. The rules state that the chip won’t work if it is in direct contact with the bike or if it is placed anywhere else.

The 2024 rules state “Times will be controlled electronically via the use of a chip. It is obligatory to use the chip, which is attached to the number plate. The number plate must be placed on the front of the handlebars. The chip does not work if it’s in direct contact with the bicycle, is bent or placed anywhere else. Any participant not carrying the chip will be excluded from the race and may be sanctioned by the State security forces and personnel.”

Where are the feed, toilet and mechanical stations on the course?

Check the up-to-date rider’s information pack for the year you’re riding.

For 2024, these are all listed on the official website.

Note: The distances and information given below are according to the Elevation Map information on the official website. However the Itinerary chart provides slightly different information – if you are planning very precisely, make sure you look at both sources and make your own decision on which is accurate.

The Elevation Map shows that all stations provide toilets, a feeding station with food and drinks, plus mechanical assistance (except if otherwise stated). Medical assistance is only marked as being provided at kilometres 71 and 192.7.

Mallorca 312 Mallorca 225 Mallorca 167
50 Gorg Blau (no food) 50 Gorg Blau (no food) 50 Gorg Blau (no food)
71 Sóller (medical only) 71 Sóller (medical only) 71 Sóller (medical only)
93.1 Coll den Claret 93.1 Coll den Claret 93.1 Coll den Claret
135.3 Es Capdellá 135.3 Es Capdellá 132.1 Lloseta
192.7 Lloseta 192.7 Lloseta
241 Ariany
285.2 Artá

Andy from Sports Tours shares some useful firsthand tips. He says “we always suggest that riders avoid the first feed stop, and ideally the second one too, as they are just so busy. Try and be as self-sufficient as possible; that means two bidons of water, lots of your preferred food and perhaps some magnesium tablets too as cramp can often be an issue at this event.”

Andy goes on, “the options to buy food and drink en route are relatively limited, as there aren’t that many shops or villages on the course, but check the route in advance and plot out some back up places to stop in advance. Or just look out for where you see other riders stopping! However, ideally you won’t need them as you’ll have enough with you to get you to a quieter feed station.”

From having spoken to people that have done the event recently, here are some additional tips that might also be of use:

  • consider taking an extra disposable water pouch with you so you don’t have to stop at the first station at 50km
  • bring a plastic sandwich bag so that when you get to the feed station, you can get what you want in one go and don’t have to keep going back and forth
  • take enough food with you from the stations to fuel you on to the next stop
  • if you’re in danger of missing the cutoffs and riding on alone, make sure you have enough food and water, as the feed stations will have packed up and gone by the time you get there.

What food is available at the feed stations?

In Andy’s experience, feed stations with drinks will provide

  • water
  • coca-cola
  • isotonic drink

Feed stations with drinks and food will also have

  • energy bars and gels
  • ham sandwiches
  • fruit, nuts and cakes

However, do remember to take money and a mobile phone for use if necessary!

Is there any medical assistance available en route?

The 2024 rules say “The Organisation will provide a medical team, ambulances and mobile ICUs, several fixed aid stations, a medical post at the finish line and a broom wagon at all times during the race.”

The rules state that “Should a participant want or require medical services external to the Organisation of the race, they shall be responsible for all expenses incurred.”

On registration, participants receive a card with contact telephone numbers in the case of a medical emergency or need for assistance. They’re expected to have this card on them throughout the event. You use the medical assistance telephone number, in addition to the general 112 emergency number, to request urgent medical assistance.

Is there any mechanical assistance available en route?

Mechanical assistance is available at fixed points on the course. The cost of spare parts is to be paid by participants.

The rules say that the emergency card mentioned above, also has a general helpline number which can be used “in the case of requiring mechanical assistance, broom wagon information or other needs.”

Anecdotally, we’ve heard it can be tricky finding mechanical assistance and of course there may be a long wait… definitely bring your multitool, spare tubes etc – and know how to use them!

Andy’s tip is “to treat Mallorca 312 as if you’re on a club ride; be self-sufficient as unfortunately, once the event has begun support teams are not allowed on the course, so if you can’t fix your mechanical you’ll be reliant on waiting for assistance from the official race mechanics.”

Can you have a support car?

The 2024 rules state that accompanying vehicles are prohibited. They also state that cyclists must not be towed by any vehicle!

Do you have any suggestions for fuelling Mallorca 312?

Apple and cinnamon porridge pot from simpyseedz: an unusual christmas gift!Porridge makes a great start to a long day cycling
Black and white water bottle in use by cyclistThink about hydration!

Start the day with a big breakfast. The 2024 event officially starts at 6.30 am, so that means you’ll want to be eating from around 4.30 am (or earlier if you’re planning to get to the start earlier…) in order to have time for your food to settle before the start. Consider food that’s high in carbohydrates and low in fat, plus some protein if possible; we’d opt for something like porridge or bircher muesli followed by an omelette. Start hydrating with regular sips of a water bottle. We always add a hydration tablet in it to help ensure our electrolytes are kept in balance.

On that note, Andy says “electrolytes are really important in such a long event; consider hydration tablets and I find magnesium tablets useful too.”

While you may not feel hungry after that big breakfast, it’s essential to fuel from the start of the ride. A good rule of thumb is 60g per hour, and many people set a timer for every 20-30 minutes to remind them to drink and take on some food regularly. Doing this is particularly sensible on Mallorca 312 since many of the most demanding climbs are in the first half of the race.

We’d suggest waiting for the latter stages of the race to crack into the caffeine gels; we find gels a bit much early on, but by the end, they’ll give you a much-needed boost just when you need it!

How much you’ve packed in your pockets and your particular fuelling strategy will dictate how many feed/drink stations you need to stop at. You’ll need to balance the impact of stopping at feed stations on your time with the fact you may not get around if you don’t re-fuel! Planning what you’re going to eat every 20-30 minutes and trying those things on training rides will help you get this right.

There’s more information on nutrition strategy for long rides in this article.

Where do I find the Mallorca 312 results?

The results should be posted on the Mallorca 312 website. In Andy’s experience, they’re usually available the same day.

Are prizes awarded?

The 2024 rules state “Commemorative trophies will be awarded to the following:

  • The first three male and female riders for each distance.
  • The youngest male and female rider for each distance.
  • The oldest male and female rider for each distance.
  • Other prizes depending on the participation.
  • Gifts for participants will be handed out at the finish line. These will not be sent by post.
  • Commemorative medals will be awarded to all participants who cross the finish line within the established time limit.”

Where can I find the event rules?

On the Mallorca 312 website, here.  The rules are here and the entry conditions are here. You should definitely read these; there’s a lot here that we don’t cover in this article – amongst other things, non-transfer of registrations, penalties, ways you can be eliminated and the organisers’ exclusions of liability!

6. Other

Cyclist pedalling in a granfondo event
Road to Puerto de Valldemossa Mallorca is perfect for cyclists

I’ve seen reference to a brand name + Mallorca 312. Is that the same as Mallorca 312?

Yes. The event was called Mallorca 312 Giant Taiwan in 2017, 2018 and 2019 as Giant and Taiwan were the principal sponsors of the event. It was Mallorca 312 Supersapiens for the 2022 and 2023 events. For 2024, the title sponsor is OK Mobility – so, you guessed it, the official event name is Mallorca 312 OK Mobility.

Is this an international event?

Yes! In 2018, Mallorca 312 organisers reported that the 8,000 participants came from 59 countries around the world.

36.2% of participants were from the UK, 35.9% were from Spain, and 10.7% were from Germany.

We haven’t been able to find figures since then, but suffice it to say that it’s a pretty international crowd on the start line.

Any suggestions for Mallorca cycling routes for before/after the 312?

Andy mentions that Sports Tours arrange an optional warm up ride before the event, to check your bike is working well, and also a post-event ride too.

If you want to stay longer on the island, you can find links to all our Mallorca cycling route guides within our guide to cycling Mallorca. It also has tons of information on accommodation, bike hire, the weather in Mallorca, Mallorca cycling maps and more!

Our top 3 routes and best Mallorca climbs articles, article on tips for riding in Mallorca, where to stay and Mallorca’s best coffee shops might also be of interest.

7. Mallorca 312 Tours with Sports Tours International

What is included in a Sports Tour package?

Andy from Sports Tours says “included in one of our Mallorca 312 tours with Sports Tours International, you’ll get:

  • Bike storage at hotel
  • Sports Tours International team on hand throughout the event
  • 3 or 4 nights (on request) at 4* hotels
  • A pre race briefing
  • Sports Tours cycling jersey
  • Breakfast included
  • Evening meals
  • Mechanical services”

What do you get from Sports Tours that you don’t get from other operators?

Andy says, “there are a few good reasons for booking with Sports Tours compared to other operators.

Guaranteed entry

Sports Tours International is an official partner of the Mallorca 312 event, which guarantees you entry into the Mallorca 312.


Sports Tours selects ideally located hotels, ensuring they’re close to key event locations. For instance, the starting and finishing points and pasta party.


The representatives at Sports Tours have in-depth knowledge about the event and the island and are dedicated to ensuring you have everything you need. Our team will always do our best to quickly and efficiently sort out any issues you may have.

We care

Finally, there’s just the care that Sports Tours shows its customers. You don’t need to worry about something going wrong.”

How do you find more info about Sports Tours’ Mallorca 312 packages?

You can find out more about the Sports Tours’ 312 packages, including booking your place for 2024, by heading to the Mallorca 312 page of the Sports Tours website.

If you need to ask any more questions, you can send them a message via their contact page.

Good luck!

Keep in touch and let us know how it goes! We’d love to see your photos and hear your stories – comment below or get in touch on Facebook, or Instagram.

A big thank you to Andy from Sports Tours for his insights and tips that have bought this guide to life. Happy riding!

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Andy Yeoman

Andy has been with Sports Tours International since he retired as a detective from the Metropolitan Police Service in May 2019. Andy has a passion for cycling and has been a key part of the Sports Tours cycling rep team on some of the biggest cycling sportives in Europe, including the Mallorca 312, Etape, Marmotte and Haute Route Alpine riders’ week.

Clare Dewey

Clare Dewey is a cyclist with a passion for travel. She set up in 2018 to help make it easy for cyclists to explore the world by bike. Today her mission is still inspiring cyclists to discover new places on two wheels – and doing what she can to make sure they have the best possible time while they’re there. Clare has visited 50+ destinations around the world, many of them by bike.

Last Reviewed: 30 November 2023

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16 Responses to “Mallorca 312:
2024 route info, how to prepare and more!”

  1. just back from Mallorca312. The start is an absolute farce! we arrived to the start queue at 6:30am ready for the 7am roll out in our bid to ride the full 312km. After freezing our nuts off for over an hour without moving, we eventually crossed the start gate at 7.40am, losing an unrecoverable 40minutes from our overall time, we missed the cut off to the 312/225 at the 135 miles split point by 20 minutes. Feeling really deflated and short changed by the whole thing. Were riding well, trained all year and denied our 312 goal by the start fiasco! This event in its current format is unable to cope with the volume of 8000 riders in a mass start with one start time!

    • Hi Andy, that sounds extremely frustrating. Sorry to hear about your experience – and I guess it sounds like that (unless they change things next year) people need to arrive really early to bag a place near the front… Thanks for sharing this, it might be useful for others. Best wishes, Clare

      • Yeah – the start of the 2019 edition was a bit of a nightmare to be honest – whilst in 2018 there were two holding pens (one either side of the road) to release riders, in 2019 there was only a single holding pen – so it filled up much more quickly and took longer to get through than the previous year – it didn’t help that lots of people (i.e. latecomers) were squeezing up along the footpaths at the side whilst everyone who made the effort to arrive early waited patiently on the road – leading to even more congestion at the front. Not sure what the reason was for reducing the two holding pens down to one – maybe safety – to reduce the numbers of people being released onto the road at any given time – I know there are a lot of roundabouts and junctions at the start to negotiate and have seen people come off there – or could just be to cause less traffic disruption? The cut-offs times are pretty aggressive so you can’t really afford to be waiting around to long to cross the start line – as Andy has said, it can be quite frustrating, especially if you’ve put lots of effort/training to prepare for the event, only to be denied doing the full distance due to circumstances outside your control.

        Make no mistake about it, the Mallorca 312 is a great event – but the organisation at the start does need to be improved – perhaps releasing 312 riders first, followed by 225 riders, then 167 riders. I did provide similar feedback to the organisers and they have acknowledged that its something they’re aware of and looking into – only time will tell if they can solve the issues for the 2020 edition.

        (Great article by the way!)

        • Thanks for your insights. It does sound like it was a frustrating start. Hopefully the organisers will take note! Thanks again for taking the time to comment and for your kind note about our article. Best wishes! Clare

  2. I’ve only just come across this web site and me and my mates also suffered the same fate. We arrived at the start very early having ridden from Pollenca old town. We also stood for well over an hour and crossed the start line at about 7:35. All of us had trained hard right through the UK winter and we were riding well. I’d worked out a strategy using Best Bike Split and we were bang on target and ahead of my time in 2018 when I just to say made it. To say we were gutted when we were turned away at the second cut off point is an understatement as this just wasn’t our fault. We finished the middle distance instead and at the finish I could hear many, many people complaining about the same thing.

    As Shane K has said, the 312 is brilliant otherwise we wouldn’t be doing it again but this really does need sorting out.

    • Sorry to hear about your experience, it must have been gutting for you. Would you do the event again? What time do you estimate you’d need to get to the start line to get off quicker?

  3. Given the large number of cyclists riding in Mallorca throughout April, how does the event impact those cyclists not participating in the event on the 25th of April. Given its limited and sold out, we are hoping our day will not be clipped as we plan to ride from Soller in the late AM – so not to interfere.

    • Hi Greg, I had a chat with the very knowledgeable Ottilie (from OQ Service Course in Port de Pollenca) and she confirmed that riding from Sóller on that day may be the worst day in the calendar to ride near Soller as all 9,000 riders will be passing through between 9 and somewhere around lunchtime… Might be best to take it as a rest chill day or ride in the afternoon? Ottilie says it won’t be getting dark till around 8:45pm – so plenty of time to get a nice cruisey afternoon spin in when it’s much quieter. Hope that helps you!

  4. Hi, my experience from doing the full 312 in 2019 and to give some tips if your an older/ steady rider. Is there food at the stops? There is lots of food at all the feed stops with lots of volunteers handing stuff out. At the final stop (which is like a carnival so don’t think you’ve reached the finish!) they even opened lots of coke cans to make it flat. This really helped me, I filled both bottles up with flat coke and it helped me to push on. Making the cut offs. This is just my experience, I’m not saying anyone is right or wrong! I trained hard from October right through to the race with a coach helping me plan sessions. Including 2 150 mile rides and 2 visits to the Peak District. I am just a steady rider, 57 years old but like climbing. 2 weeks after the 312 I did the Fred Whitton in 8hrs 10 minutes, my 10 mile TT pb is 24.39. That might give you some comparison to your level of fitness. On the day- I had 2 large bottles in the frame and 2 bottles in a carrier behind the saddle. So that’s 2 with water with tabs, 1bottle absolutely full of gel (then you don’t need to open packets on route and you just have little sips of gel as you go.) 1 bottle with tyre(2), air (3), hanger, levers, compact tool kit. Pockets- I pocket left empty to take high quality breathable rain jacket, I wore this at the start as it gets chilly waiting. I did notice some people wore old t shirts and discarded them as they started. 1 with phone and slow release unopened energy bars, 1 full of opened energy bars. You get the drift, I was loaded to make very few stops. 1st feed station- don’t stop, then all bar the last station get off bike, get water and WHITE bread sandwich, add tab to water and get back to riding. Tuck sandwich in front of jacket, ride steadily for a mile and eat sandwich on the go. Last station- it was VERY crowded, try to get to the edge of the square away from the crowd. As noted before, just took on 2 bottles of flat coke at this stop. I was tired, the early climbing was easy for me but the elevation map is very misleading!! The last 60 miles look flat on the map and they are in relation to the early parts but they are not flat. However it gets better! After the last stop it’s wide roads and smooth tarmac, just one long steady pull out of the town then you can empty your tank as it’s pretty much flat or often downhill. I had latched on to trains for a bit on the ride but be careful, if they are way above your level it may not be worth the energy spent and another train will come along! I got into a 4 person group for over 30 miles and we rode turn about until a feed stop which was great but be prepared some people will just refuse to take the front. Remember you’re not there to be everyone else’s Ian Stannard! Ride your own pace. I really enjoyed the whole event ( I was there from the Thursday and went back on the Monday) and highly recommend it. My total time including stops was 13hrs and 6seconds so I made the cut off which was my target. To answer the obvious question and I’ll be absolutely honest, I’m not sure I had another 6 seconds in my legs! Lastly I had a spare battery pack taped to my stem in case my Wahoo ran out, it’s a ride you really want recorded😃 hope that helps.

    • Hi Jim, this is really useful information, thanks so much for taking the time to share it. It really helps to get different people’s perspectives and insights on the event. Shame it’s been postponed this year – but got everything crossed it will happen in October. Will you be doing it again then? Thanks again and best wishes, Clare

      • Thanks Clare.
        Yes I hope to return. Now I’ve ticked the full 312 off will probably do the shorter one to take in more of the atmosphere. 👍

  5. Excellent summary of event.
    I’ve done this 3 times (almost) and although long day well worth it. Start too narrow to cope and needs to spread across whole road not just a couple of lanes. Unless you get there 90min before start you dont have chance of getting over line within 30min. Queue jumping is rife. If over line late it gives very little room for mechanicals to avoid cut-off. I can vouch for bad turn at 57miles where came off avoiding downed rider (had not encountered issues previously). In 20min wait for ambulance another 15+ riders lost it on corner. No marshals there or signs, in defence there was mention of it in ‘event notes’. Generally excellent service and support / medical cover although don’t arrive late to feed stations or jump through cut offs as a long and lonely ride to finish unless with others.
    Like many big sportives the best riding is often to be had either side of the event day itself.

    • Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and share your experiences. Sorry to hear about your spill. Let’s hope we can get back to events like this soon!

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