• Distance 5 km
  • Elevation gain 350m
  • Difficulty
  • Epic rating

Puig de San Salvador, in eastern Mallorca, is a staggeringly beautiful climb.

On an island of amazing roads, it stands out from the competition due to the views it offers much of the way up. The enormous religious monuments that dominate the hillside are also highly memorable. These include the Creu de Sant Salvador (cross) about two-thirds of the way up, the Santuari de Sant Salvador (sanctuary of Sant Salvador) just before the summit and the Ermita de Sant Salvador (monastery) at the top.

It’s probably a bit steeper than many Mallorcan climbs – from the first bend, the average gradient sits at nearly 6% (and the signpost on the climb says 6.4%) and there are some tougher sections within this. Yet the climb is only 5 km long, so it’s hardly an Alpine beast.

If you’re based in Port de Pollença or Alcudià, San Salvador is not massively convenient to get to, but it is do-able and we recommend you do it (route info below)! Combine it with Randa (and even Betlem too?!) for a long day out.

All metrics in this article are approximate.

Puig de Sant Salvador: highlights

Views over what feels like the whole of Mallorca. What’s great is that these views aren’t just from the summit, you get them for much of the way up.

Whatever your view of religion, it’s also difficult not to be impressed by the vast religious monuments that have been built on this hillside.

View from the top of the Mallorca San Salvador climbView from the Santuari de Sant Salvador
Views over switchbacks on descent from Satuari de Sant Salvador MallorcaNear the top of the San Salvador climb
The cross of Sant Salvador MallorcaCreu de Sant Salvador

Route notes

1. Junction to the little chapel: 0-3 km

The climb starts about two kilometres east of the town of Felanitx. San Salvador is clearly signposted, and you can see it from miles around, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to locate!

You turn off the Ma-4011, ride between two pillars and you’re on the PMV-4011 that will take you to the summit.

The first kilometre is on a straight, open road between agricultural fields dotted with olive trees and grazing sheep. Ahead you can see the distinctive triangular shape of Puig de Sant Salvador rising up from the flat plains around it. On the left-hand side you can probably just about make out the San Salvador cross and on the right, the imposing walls of the Monasterio San Salvador.

As you enter the sparse woodland, the road narrows, the gradients pick up and you ride through sweeping bends. There are views through the trees, up to the cross and monastery above you and out across the flat plains below.

Puig de Sant Salvador Mallorca dominates the skylineThe distinctive San Salvador climb in the distance
Cyclist climbing through woodland on the climb up Puig de Sant Salvador MallorcaOn the way up the San Salvador climb
The little chapel on the way up the climb to Santuari Sant Salvador MallorcaChapel on the climb

2. Chapel to Santuari de Sant Salvador: 3-5 km

At around three kilometres you pass a pretty creamy stone church/chapel and the turns become tighter as the road snakes its way upwards. There’s the odd section of double-figure gradients through these turns but they don’t last for more than a couple of hundred metres.

You continue to get views over the countryside below and up to the cross above your head that’s getting tantalisingly close.

As you near the cross, the Monastery comes into view again, its huge stone walls rearing up above you.  Take care as you pass the cross as there may well be lots of people on the road; access to the cross itself is by footpath.

You continue on up well-engineered switchbacks that offer gorgeous views out over Mallorca. A communications mast comes into sight and then shortly after, you round a corner and suddenly see a tall steepled monument and the summit sign.

Either ride over to the Santuario San Salvador monument to take a closer look, or continue up around the last corner to the Monastery, where you’ll find the Petit Hotel Hostatgeria Sant Salvador and a restaurant.

Views over the Cross of San Salvador Felanitx Mallorca View to the cross
Santuari de Sant Salvador comes into view at the top of the Puig de Sant SalvadorApproaching the San Salvador summit
Monument at the top of the Ermita de Sant Salvador climbSactuary of Sant Salvador

Café stops

The place to stop is at the top! Bar San Salvador serves meals and cool beer (at a price) and they come with a view.

Summit of Sant Salvador climbCarry on around the bend after the summit to get to the monastery and restaurant
Water fountain at Sanctuary of Sant SalvadorDrinking water (we didn’t try it!)
San Salvador Mallorca restaurantRestaurant at San Salvador


Many people will tackle this climb on a route from Port de Pollença or Alcudià (see below). We rode it from Alaró (route also below). Neither of these locations is particularly close by, but that’s because most of the best riding in Mallorca is in the Serra Tramuntana to the west of San Salvador.

Our guide to the best places to stay for cyclists on Mallorca might help you decide where’s best for you, while our ultimate guide to Mallorca has details of where we stayed when we visited. 


Read our tips for cycling in Mallorca before doing this ride.

Watch out for groups of hikers. We found more people on the road than livestock – but that’s not to say you won’t meet stray sheep and goats!

The road surface was not perfect when we rode – but neither was it terrible. The road is, however, narrow and since it also gets a fair amount of tourist traffic, care is needed, particularly on the technical switchbacks.

Since riding here, we’ve heard that there is a small museum with framed cycling world champion jerseys within the monastery. We’re sorry not to have seen these ourselves – have you visited the museum? Tell us about it in the comments below!

People often include Randa and Sant Salvador in one loop (see below). Just in case you have to decide between the two, we’d say we preferred San Salvador over Randa. The climb was probably a bit more difficult but we found it more visually impressive.

In case you’re with a support car, they’ll be pleased to know that the car park at the top is large. It wasn’t overly busy when we visited in November, but we guess that the size of the car park may reflect the fact that the monastery gets a lot of visitors. Don’t expect this to be a totally quiet, unknown climb!

There’s more information on the history of the Santuari de Sant Salvador here.

Want to include San Salvador in a loop ride?

  • We really enjoyed this ride from our base in Alaró. It took in Sineu velodrome, Randa and lots of beautiful small Mallorcan road in this loop (link takes you to ridewithgps.com route where you can download a GPX file).
  • Meanwhile, this route is a loop from Port de Pollença. We haven’t done it but it’s been recommended to us. Again, the link takes you to ridewithgps.com.

Done this ride or planning to do it?

  • We’d love to hear from you. Please comment below.
  • Don’t miss our other ride guides on rides on Mallorca: our Randa and Betlem guides are probably the obvious starting point, but we’ve got loads of other suggestions in the related rides section above.
  • Check out our ultimate guide to cycling Mallorca and other articles on Mallorca, below.

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Clare Dewey

Clare Dewey is a cyclist with a passion for travel. She set up epicroadrides.com in 2018 to help make it easy for cyclists to explore the world by bike. Today her mission is still inspiring cyclists to discover new places on two wheels – and doing what she can to make sure they have the best possible time while they’re there. Clare has visited 50+ destinations around the world, many of them by bike.

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2 Responses to “Puig de San Salvador, Mallorca (AKA the Santuari de Sant Salvador Mallorca climb)”

  1. This is an excellent climb and I usually do it together with Randa and the monastery at Bonany. A nice little 150 km ride if you are situated in Arenal 🙂

    • Awesome – yes, Randa and San Salvador are a nice pairing if you’ve got the legs for it!