• Distance 5 km
  • Elevation gain 310m
  • Difficulty
  • Epic rating

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You get to Port des Canonge via a narrow, sinuous road that descends from the MA-10 to the sea, through tight switchbacks.

Like its more famous siblings further north in the Serra Tramuntana, i.e. the Sa Calobra and Port de Valldemossa, the road to Port des Canonges is a glorious combination of twisting asphalt and azure sea views.

Of the three descents, this is the least known.

Port des Canonge: highlights

There’s a ladder of switchbacks around half way down/up.  They look particularly impressive as you descend as you can see them snaking backwards and forwards through the pine trees.

The view from Port des Canonge village over the beach and to the vertical cliffs and oh-so-blue sea is also lovely.

Climbing the ladder of switchbacks on Port des Canonges climb
View from the port des canonges over playa port des canonges
Cycling Port de Canonge Mallorca

Route notes

1. Descent to Port de Canonge

The first kilometre is pretty flat and unremarkable.

You hit the switchbacks after a couple of kilometres – enjoy the tight bends but watch out for rock debris! The road is also super narrow.

After the switchbacks, it’s a bit of a surprise to find residential roads branching off either side of the main road; dropping down the mountain felt really rural and we weren’t expecting lots of houses at the bottom!

If you follow the road right to the end, you come to Playa Port des Canonge, a small stoney beach. There are boats moored in the water and it’s a pretty cove backed by green forest. If you wonder what the ramshackle looking buildings are at the rear of the cover, they’re escars – old stone boathouses, which are now apparently protected.

Descent of Port Canonge Mallorca
Beach at the bottom of Port des Canonge Mallorca descent by bike
Handlebars of road bike descending to Port des Canonge Mallorca

2. Climb from Port de Canonge to MA-10

Though it’s 4.8km to the MA-10, in truth the actual climb is just under 4km – the last kilometre is pretty flat.

The average gradient for the 3.8km climb is 7.5%, with the steepest part of the climb coming just after the end of the switchbacks: from here, you’re into a kilometre with an average 10% gradient.

Sea views are not as common on this climb as the Valldemossa and Sa Calobra climbs, so there’s little to distract you from the burn as you pedal to the top.

Climbing the Port de Canonge Banyalbufar Mallorca
Cyclist on Banyalbufar Port des Canonges climb

Café stops

There are two restaurants in town. We got a frosty reception when we headed into Bar Restaurante can Toni Moreno in search of coffee – and we didn’t get further than that (they weren’t impressed by us wheeling our bikes in – we’d failed to spot the bike rack outside)!

If you know more about the restaurants at Port Canonge, do add your comments below!

Bike at Port des Canonge restaurant


This climb is accessed via the MA-10, near Banyalbufar in the southern half of the Serra Tramuntana mountains.

You could do it on your Andratx to Port Pollenca ride or as an extension of our Deia loop. Otherwise, you’d probably want to be staying in the centre of Mallorca to do this ride: we did it while staying in Alaro.

Our best towns for cyclists article should help you decide where to stay for the cycling you want to do.


Read our tips for cycling in Mallorca before you set out.

The road to Port Canonge is narrow – while it’s a quiet road, there are quite a few houses near the sea so there will probably be a few cars about.

The crumbly red cliffs either side of the road also mean you should expect small rock debris on the road. The road is surrounded by pine woodland, so expect pine needles and little branches too.

While we liked Port Canonge, we found it a bit less dramatic than Port de Valldemossa and Sa Calobra: do it, but do the other two first!

Crumbly red cliggs on es port des canonge road
Photo illustrating the narrowness of Mallorca Port de Canonge road with car taking up most of road
Goats looking out to sea on the road to Port del Canonge mallorca


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Clare Dewey

Clare Dewey is a cyclist with a passion for travel. She set up epicroadrides.com in 2018 to help make it easy for cyclists to explore the world by bike. Today her mission is still inspiring cyclists to discover new places on two wheels - and doing what she can to make sure they have the best possible time while they're there. Clare has visited 50+ destinations around the world, many of them by bike.

All metrics in this article are approximate.

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