Coffee is an essential element of any good bike ride…especially when you’re on holiday! If the cake is also excellent, so much the better.

In Mallorca, you’re more likely to find superb cake than superb coffee, though there are some good options if you’re willing to search them out.

Discover the best cycling cafés in Mallorca!

You’ll find our pick of the best cafés in Mallorca below. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Our top 5 cycling cafés and coffee stops in Mallorca

Here are our favourites, in no particular order…

Sa Ruta Verda, Caimari

In 2014, Lennart bought the ruin that is now Sa Ruta Verda, and set about restoring it to its former glory. The cafe opened in 2015 and now provides fresh juices, cakes and homemade energy bars to an enthusiastic audience of cyclists from across the world.

The premises are small but perfectly formed, with an attractive courtyard garden in front of the coffee shop; a perfect spot to relax on a warm day. Sadly the weather wasn’t playing ball on our visit, but our spirits were soon lifted by the café’s vibrant decor and the cheery welcome we received from Stephie, who helps Lennart out.

Stephie is from the UK and Lennart is Norweigan (but lived in London for 25 years). Both are keen cyclists who clearly love Mallorca and what they do.

We enjoyed creamy latte macchiatos and naughty (but very nice) almond cake and peanut and caramel cake. The café has a cycle stand and tools you can borrow as well as a thoughtfully chosen range of cycling kit and products you can buy.

Address: 62 Nuestra Senora de Lluc, 07314 Caimari

Relevant rides: Puig Major loop and Coll de Femenia and Sa Batalla loop

Owners of Sa Ruta Verda Mallorca coffee shop for cyclists
Inside Sa Ruta Verda Mallorca coffee shop for cyclists
Outside terrace of Sa Ruta Verda Mallorca coffee shop for cyclists
Cake at Sa Ruta Verda Mallorca coffee shop for cyclists Mallorca

Cycling Planet, Alaró

Cycling Planet is a bike shop, workshop and cycling café in the small village of Alaró. It opened in 2012 and is part-owned by local couple David and Laura; David is David Muntaner, a former track cycling world champion in the madison…

From the outside, the shop doesn’t look particularly interesting, but inside it quickly becomes clear that this is a real gem of a place that seems to live and breath cycling.

For a start, much of the furniture is made with Siberian pine reclaimed from the velodrome in Palma de Mallorca when it was being resurfaced. As well as the velodrome wood, the walls are adorned with jerseys, bikes and medals from David’s cycling career. They’ve also got a section of the velodrome finish line that’s signed by lots of world champions, including Stephen Roche and Amalie Diderikson.

From a practical perspective, as well as offering mechanical assistance for your bike, Cycling Planet provide bike rental and sell delicious homemade cakes, smoothies and coffee at a very reasonable price. This makes it the perfect cycling coffee stop and it’s a popular spot with local cyclists and tourists alike. It’s easy to see why.

It’s also worth knowing that Cycling Planet is open (pretty much) all year around.

Address: Av. Constitució, 26, 07340 Alaró

Relevant rides: Puig Major loop and Coll de Femenia and Sa Batalla loop

Interior of Planet Cycles, Alaro, Mallorca
Coffee at Planet Cycles in Alaro, Mallorca
Finish line signed by world champions at cycling planet alaro mallorca
The eleborately decorated toilet at Cycling Planet Alaro Mallorca

Ca’n Topa, Coll de Sóller

This whitewashed old farmhouse sits in prime position at the top of the Coll de Sóller and serves fresh cakes and simple food like sandwiches, pizza and burgers.  We enjoyed sweet freshly squeezed orange juice and a delicious platter of warm, fresh bread, parma ham and local cheeses drizzled with olive oil, while sitting in the sun in their pretty garden. Their double espresso was also very good.

The light breeze was pine scented, goat bells tinkled and, in such an idyllic position, we found it difficult to get moving again. It would make a great place to meet the family for lunch.

Address: Carretera Palma Sóller Km 22.1, Coll de Sóller, Bunyola

Directions: at the top of the Coll de Sóller.

Relevant rides: Coll de Sóller; Sóller, Deià and Port de Valldemossa loop; Puig Major loop.

Bike outside c'an Topa, Col de Soller
View down to C'an Topa restaurant and pool Mallorca

Cocodrilo, Bonaire

This well-regarded restaurant has a gorgeous terrace that overlooks the sea and the main restaurant also has sea views. It’s definitely got a locals vibe, with dark wood furniture and traditional decor.

It’s known for its seafood, so perhaps more of a lunch stop – or place for a post ride drink or evening meal than a coffee stop (though the coffee is good too!).

We visited on a rainy day in November and ate delicious paella, large salads and some yummy dates wrapped in parma ham. Yum!

Address: Bonaire Marina, Alcudia

Relevant rides: Pollensa bay ride

Cocodrillo restaurant serves excellent paella for cyclists
Paella at La Cocrodillo restaurant, Pollensa bay, Mallorca

Tolo’s, Port de Pollença

Last, but not least, Tolo’s simply has to be included on any list of Mallorcan cycling cafés – even though we haven’t actually been there ourselves as it’s always been shut when we’ve been in town!

The restaurant has a long connection with cycling, in fact, it’s probably the most famous bike café/restaurant on the island.

The walls are adorned with cycling memorabilia and there are bikes hanging from the ceiling too. The large outside seating area has views across the bay. Bike racks are near the outside seating so you can keep an eye on your pride and joy while you eat.

One slight downer though – the food and service gets mixed reviews… Perhaps next time we’ll be able to check it out for ourselves! If you’ve been, let us know how you found it in the comments section below.

Address: Paseo De Londres, Port de Pollença

Relevant rides: Puig Major loop, Cap de Formentor, Bay of Pollença ride and Coll de Femenia and Sa Batalla loop

Also worth knowing about

Formentor lighthouse café

Worth going to savour the view and honour cycling ritual, if nothing else. Be warned: it’s not cheap…

Relevant rides: Cap de Formentor and Bay of Pollensa ride

S’Hortet, Déia

This looks a gem of a place, with delicious sounding homemade cakes, smoothies and coffee, a spacious interior as well as garden seating. It also looks more modern and trendy than many coffee stop options in Mallorca. Have you tried it? Let us know in the comments below!

Address: Es Clot, 07179 Déia

Relevant rides: Sóller, Deià and Port de Valldemossa loop and Andratx to Port Pollensa

Café at Randa Monastery/Santuari de Cura

The café in the monastery at the top of the Cura/Randa climb is well-regarded and definitely worth a look. It was dusk when we arrived so we didn’t get a chance to visit, but we’ve heard the food is good. If you know it, tell us about it below!

Directions: enter the monastery at the top of the climb and follow signs to the restaurant.

Relevant ride: Randa climb.

Sa Mola 13

We haven’t had a chance to visit yet, but have heard great things about the coffee in this trendy cafe in Sineu. There’s a nice terrace outside too…

Address: Carretera de Santa Margalida, 1, 07510 Sineu

Relevant rides: on the way to the Randa or Santa Magdalena climbs

Café Coll de sa Batalla

A.K.A. the café next to the Repsol garage. This famous cyclists café has a serious history of serving cyclists and a reputation for excellent cakes. It’s got a large outside seating area (though no views), bike racks and a reputation for being good value.

Directions: at the top of the Sa Batalla climb, next to the Repsol garage on the MA-2130.

Relevant rides: Puig Major loop and Coll de Femenia and Sa Batalla loop

Sa Tafona, Caimari

We enjoyed a great coffee and an awesome slice of almond cake here. There’s a decent range of food on the menu and the local pa amb oli’s are popular. The café feels quite traditional but there is pleasant outside seating, albeit no views. Should you have a support car with you, there is a big car park and also a huge shop attached to the café and it sells excellent local produce gifts – olive oil, local salt etc.

Sa Tafona is in the same village as Sa Ruta Verda (in our Top 5). However, Sa Tafona is worth knowing about in case Sa Ruta Verda is shut or too busy. We get the feeling Sa Tafona serves a more local audience than Sa Ruta Verda.

Address: Carretera Lluc, Km. 6, 07314 Caimari

Directions: outskirts of Caimari, on the left as you head up Coll de Sa Batalla on the MA-2130.

Relevant rides: Puig Major loop and Coll de Femenia and Sa Batalla loop

Sa Tafona in Caimair, a great stop for cyclists
Almond cake in Mallorca

The Workshop Cafe

This is another cafe we’ve heard great things about. They’re in Palma, but if you happen to be passing through, they’d definitely be worth checking out if you like excellent coffee and modern cafe food. You can even rent a gorgeous road bike if you fancy a quick ride!

Address: Carrer Magalhaes 1, 07006, Palma

More Puerto de Pollensa restaurants and cafés

Pro Cycle Hire (Carrer del Corb Marí 07470 Puerto De Pollensa): Serves coffee for cyclists. You’ll find good coffee and lots of like-minded souls.

Centric, Main Square, Puerto Pollensa (Main Square, Puerto Pollensa): A restaurant rather than a coffee stop, but if you’re looking for lunch or an evening meal, we had a superb meal here. Fresh flavours, well presented dishes and excellent service.

Gran Cafe 1919 (2, Passeig d’Anglada Camarasa, Port de Pollença): Open out of season, when many other cafés are shut. Reputedly where Team Sky stop for coffee. Lots of outside seating and great for people watching.

A final thought…

Bear in mind that Mallorca cafés don’t tend to open before 9am and many places shut for the winter.

Even in season, more remote places can have slightly variable opening times.

Check before you rely on somewhere being open!

Over to you

What do you think of our choices? Let us know in the comments below!

If you’re planning a trip to Mallorca, don’t miss our free Ultimate Guide to cycling Mallorca. It’s stuffed full of helpful information to help make sure you have an awesome time: things like guides to the best rides and suggestions for where to stay and where to hire a bike!

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Clare Dewey

Clare Dewey is a cyclist with a passion for travel. She set up in 2018 to help make it easy for cyclists to explore the world by bike. Today her mission is still inspiring cyclists to discover new places on two wheels – and doing what she can to make sure they have the best possible time while they’re there. Clare has visited 50+ destinations around the world, many of them by bike.

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