Are you planning a cycling holiday to Mallorca and searching for the best Mallorca cycling routes?

If so, you’re in the right place!

As you probably know, Mallorca is full of amazing roads to ride (our ultimate guide to Mallorca includes write-ups for no less than 14 fantastic climbs and routes!).

In this article, we narrow things down for you and endeavour to share just the best cycling routes in Mallorca. You’ll find three well known, must-do rides as well as three off the beaten track rides that David Harwood from SunVelo loves taking their cyclists on to get them away from the crowds.

If you’re short on time, these are the ones not to miss; they’re the routes that you’ll find yourself dreaming about long after your holiday is over.


Part A: 3 well-known Mallorca cycling routes

Clare says:

1. Bay of Pollensa cycling route

Start location Distance Elevation gain Difficulty Epic rating
Port de Pollensa 77 km 1,480 m
Mountain icon Mountain icon Hollow mountain icon

Bike icon Bike icon Bike icon

This ride is relatively short, but it’s very sweet. It’s a perfect route from Pollensa or Port de Pollensa and we love it because the scenery is stunningly beautiful.

It starts with many people’s favourite road on the island: the Cap de Formentor.

It adds on the lesser-known out and back up to the Pepperpot.

It finishes by taking you around the other side of Pollensa bay to give you views back across the water to the Formentor peninsula.

If you want to see some of the most beautiful vistas Mallorca has to offer but don’t want too many kilometres or killer average gradients, this is the ride for you!

Tip: do this ride first thing in the morning. Formentor is a massively popular tourist destination and it’s much better to see it while everyone else is still gorging on the breakfast buffet.

2. Puig Major loop

Start location Distance Elevation gain Difficulty Epic rating
Port de Pollensa 138 km 2,640 m Mountain icon Mountain icon Mountain icon

Bike icon Bike icon Bike icon

This is a tough ride with some serious climbs.

But if you’ve got the legs, it will reward you by showing you some of the northern Serra Tramuntana’s best climbs: Coll d’Orient, Coll d’Honor, Coll de Sóller and Puig Major.

You’ll find quiet roads, unspoiled mountain splendour and memories that will last long after you’ve left.

Tip: if you’re feeling strong, the route passes the turn to the Sa Calobra. If you don’t have much time on Mallorca and really want to test your legs, you could consider adding it on!

3. Andratx to Pollensa cycling route

Start location Distance Elevation gain Difficulty Epic rating
Andratx 115-162 km 2,425-4,104 m Mountain icon Mountain icon Mountain icon

Bike icon Bike icon Bike icon

There’s a reason they call this the “Big Daddy challenge” – and it’s not just marketing hype.

If you do the full ride, you’ll cover 4,100m of climbing over 162 km.

The ride takes you right from the southwestern tip of Mallorca’s Serra Tramuntana coastline all the way to the northwestern tip. It includes three monster out and back descents and ascents – to Port des Canonge, Port de Valldemossa and Sa Calobra.

This is a ride you won’t forget in a hurry.

Tip: One of the great things about this route is that you can start it but bail out on some of the out and backs as you go along. Be warned though, even the “plain vanilla” version with none of the out and backs is still 115 km and 2,430m of climbing!

Part B: 3 off-the-beaten-track Mallorca cycling routes (from David at SunVelo)

David says: Here are three routes that we love taking our guests on to show them the ‘real’ Mallorca away from the cycling masses! You probably won’t find these on standard lists of the best rides in Mallorca, but at SunVelo that’s what we’re all about – taking cyclists to the best bits, not just the standard bits of Mallorca!

4. Puig de Randa loop

Start location Distance Elevation gain Difficulty Epic rating
Playa de Muro 112 km 1,100 m Mountain icon Mountain icon

Bike icon Bike icon

Even if you’re only visiting Mallorca for a long weekend cycling trip, this ride is a must when ticking off key locations of the island and Mallorca’s best bike routes. It passes through the ‘Pla de Mallorca’ region, taking on some beautiful rolling countryside and towns such as ‘Sineu’ considered the heart of the island.

We love visiting these small towns and villages and feeling the real Mallorquin life as we sit, drink coffee and ride on to the next place.

The climb named on this route ‘Puig de Randa’ is achievable for most cyclists (4.4km / 5.6% average). You’ll reap great rewards with views of the entire island as the road circumnavigates to the peak at Cura Monastery. The monastery is still active and has a fantastic menu of local food and drink – a great motivational tool for the climb!

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Puig de Randa also features in our article sharing Mallorca’s best climbs

5. Santa Magdalena and La Victoria double

Start location Distance Elevation gain Difficulty Epic rating
Playa de Muro  80 km 860 m Mountain icon

Bike icon

At just 80km long, this ride packs a lot of punch with beautiful views of the Tramuntana Mountains and the Mediterranean sea.

Riding out of town, you soon see the first climb: Puig de Santa Magdalena monastery perched at the top of a hill at 287m high some 25km away… As with most of the monastery climbs on the island, the rewards of spectacular views at the summit are always worth the effort to ride the climb (2km / 6.3% average). The climb twists through trees and switchbacks, revealing more views as each switchback road emerges.

After the first climb, the ride meanders its way through the country lanes skirting the mountains and toward the coast, here you will ride rolling roads hugging the coast line to a monastery named ‘La Victoria’ (2.1km / 6.4% average).

When riding here you will see why it’s worthy of featuring in our list of the best cycle routes in Mallorca. As you look down to the crystal clear blue water, rolling on perfectly smooth tarmac, you’ll be thinking ‘this is why I came to Mallorca!’

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6. Southern Coast classic

Start location Distance Elevation gain Difficulty Epic rating
Playa de Muro 140 km 975 m Mountain icon Mountain icon

Bike icon Bike icon

Road at Sa Rapita, Mallorca

This Mallorca cycle route takes on some of the island’s most flat and fast roads, heading toward the south side of the island with seemingly endless smooth tarmac. It’s best ridden with a group of friends sharing the turns at the front, as you ride through flat and rolling countryside of the ‘Pla de Mallorca’ region to the ‘Migjorn’.

You will come close to the southern tip of the island at Sa Rapita. Here we recommend you take a break for coffee / lunch to refuel before the ride back home.

You will find several cafés looking out toward the small inhabited island of Cabrera. We usually stop at a café named ‘Forn Sa Rapita’. It has many delicious local sweet and savoury treats to choose from!

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Want SunVelo to help plan your Mallorca cycling holiday?

David says “Come and join us on our very active Facebook and Instagram pages.

There’s tons of information about our trips on our website:

Or if you’ve got questions and want to email or speak with someone directly, you can do that here: and 0044 (0)1432 860 609.”

More about SunVelo

David says “I started SunVelo in 2012 and from the word go wanted to ensure we have the best guides and the best, most inclusive atmosphere.

We really believe our ride leaders are the best in the business. They’ll get you on the routes that take you away from the cycling hordes and into the most beautiful parts of the island. They’re all qualified and they’re all experienced and first aid trained.

For anyone joining us, it doesn’t matter at what level you ride a bike, whether you travel solo, with a partner, a friend or in a group, when you step off the plane you are immediately part of the sociable SunVelo family. We are not just a holiday tour operator with bikes, we are a cycling business run by cyclists for cyclists.

We are also ABTA bonded so you know your holiday is safe with us.

You can read more about what makes us different in this article.”

What’s next?

What are your top three Mallorca bike routes?

Comment below and let us know!

Want to know our favourite Mallorca cycling climbs?

Check out this blog post on our favourite cycling climbs on Mallorca!


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Clare Dewey

Clare Dewey is a cyclist with a passion for travel. She set up in 2018 to help make it easy for cyclists to explore the world by bike. Today her mission is still inspiring cyclists to discover new places on two wheels – and doing what she can to make sure they have the best possible time while they’re there. Clare has visited 50+ destinations around the world, many of them by bike.

David Harwood

DAVID enjoyed a long career working for a global medical devices manufacturer. On a three year posting to the United States in 2002 he rediscovered his love for road cycling. On his return to working in Europe from 2005 he uncovered the thrill of riding in Mallorca.

It was on regular training camp visits over the next few years that David got to know former professional racer Alastair Irvine who was a vast resource of knowledge about everything cycling and especially riding in Mallorca.

When given the opportunity to leave the medical devices world, David jumped at the chance of a work/lifestyle change and set up SunVelo with Alastair.

The company has gone from strength to strength and is now one of the UK’s leading cycling holiday tour operators. While many travel companies have suffered in our new Covid world, SunVelo has not just switched off the lights and waited for things to start again but has tested alternative routes and researched new destinations to offer customers. It’s no longer just Mallorca.

In asking David what has led to the success of SunVelo, his answer is: “it is all about the people…..we are very fortunate in that we have an amazing team of people that ride lead for us every year and a fabulous and loyal customer base that really appreciate our approach to cycling as delivered by our experienced ride leader team.”

“We have a culture that is inclusive, it doesn’t matter at what level you ride a bike, whether you travel solo, with a partner, a friend or in a group, when you step off the plane you are immediately part of the sociable SunVelo family. We are not just a holiday tour operator with bikes, we are a cycling business run by cyclists for cyclists.”

“We ride together as a team and never leave anyone behind!”

Last Reviewed: 16 December 2022

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